Summer 2024: Purpose Possible’s Reading List
Recommended by the Purpose Possible team
Summer is here and so is the Purpose Possible book list! Scroll down and click the links for each book to learn more and get started on your summer reads. Thank you to all the Purpose Possible book lovers who contributed to this wonderful list!
Additional reading recommendations:
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle | Emily & Amelia Nagoski
A breakdown of burnout with an eye towards its impact on women specifically. Burnout provides recognizable accounts of how burnout tends to show up in workplace and home settings, with correlating tactics that you can use on a daily basis to unlock your stress cycle. In particular, the book provides great reminders of the ways we allow our jobs, our home obligations, and the pressures we put on ourselves to decrease the amount of time that we need to give ourselves everyday to rest and recover. While the book focuses on individual tactics, many of the lessons are great reminders for leaders of the needs of individuals on our teams and how we can create space where everyone can thrive.
I Love It Here | Clint Pulver
It seems pretty simple: show your people you care about them, trust them to do the job you hired them to do, and don’t fill their time with unnecessary meetings and tasks that don’t support their work. We all know that as simple as that seems, this is often not the case in many organizational cultures. Culver provides real time examples of ways to make simple adjustments that can have a big impact on organizational culture for your team.
More to Read…
Our team at Purpose Possible is comprised of highly experienced professionals in nonprofit leadership, fundraising, philanthropy, business, and much more. This wealth of expertise is gained from years of hands on experience with a wide range of organizations as well as continual self development. Here are some books we recommend for fundraising, understanding wealth, managing a nonprofit and team, professional writing, and the inner workings of how power impacts society and philanthropy.