A farewell for now from Melissa Brogdon

Since moving to Atlanta in 2013, I have been inspired by the power of philanthropy in our city. My work has given me many gifts, some in the form of colleagues who would become friends and some in learning valuable lessons on leadership. 

Some of you know that when I began my consulting journey, I was also working on a new entrepreneurial endeavor with my husband, Gino. I could not have predicted in a million years that as we emerge out of a global pandemic, I would be leading a legal technology startup. As Co-founder and COO of Fourth Party, I am most encouraged about how this work will someday increase access to high quality legal services for people who need them most. 

The decision to focus on this new role is bittersweet. The best of what I bring to this opportunity, I learned working with the amazing people and organizations that make up Atlanta’s nonprofit and philanthropic community. Over the last two years, I have loved collaborating on many unique projects through Purpose Possible, driving resources to vulnerable communities. Serving as Director of Client Services this year, and getting to know so many amazing consultants, has been an honor. Susannah and Laura – I’m so excited for what is ahead of you two!

Thank you so much for the love and encouragement that so many of you have given me to push toward this next chapter in my entrepreneurial journey. I’m looking forward to staying in touch, cheering you on, and sharing lots of good news. 

With gratitude, 



Purpose Possible 2021 Gift to Give Back Guide


Busted! The Overhead Myth by Laura Hennighausen, Director of Funder Relations