Grants Webinar Series

In August 2024, Purpose Possible's fundraising team hosted an insightful four-part webinar series covering essential topics in grant funding, project planning, proposal writing, and grants management. Aimed at both newcomers and seasoned professionals, each session focused on practical tools and strategies to enhance your organization's fundraising efforts and improve grant seeking success.

Session 1: Getting to Know Grants

The first session provided a comprehensive overview of different types of grants, including federal, private, and state grants. Attendees learned how to identify grants that align with their organization's goals, as well as the common misconceptions about grant funding, such as the myth that grants are "free money."

Key topics included:

  • How to match your organization's needs with the right grants

  • Creating and managing a pipeline of potential funders

  • Understanding the deadlines and requirements for grant applications

  • Tools for tracking grants, including dashboards and record-keeping systems

Additional Resources:

Session 2: Project Planning & Prospecting for Grants

Session two focused on the foundational elements of project planning for grant proposals. Presenters shared how to craft strong statements of need, realistic goals, and effective project budgets. Additionally, the presenters offered strategies for vetting grant opportunities to maximize effort and minimize wasted time.

Highlights included:

  • Writing compelling needs statements tailored to specific funders

  • Avoiding "mission creep" by aligning projects with your organization's core goals

  • Tips for researching potential funders, including foundation websites, 990s, and online databases

  • How to leverage personal connections and board members to strengthen proposals

Session 3: Best Practices for Polished Grant Proposals

In this session, the focus shifted to writing polished and professional grant proposals. Attendees learned how to develop clear goals, effective evaluation methods, and a detailed budget that demonstrates accountability. The importance of sustainability planning beyond the grant period was also a key takeaway.

Key points included:

  • SMART(IE) goals: Creating measurable and inclusive objectives for grant proposals

  • Crafting a budget that demonstrates your capacity to manage funds responsibly

  • Strategies for showing funders that your project is sustainable beyond their initial support

The presenters offered practical tips on aligning your proposals with funder priorities and ensuring clarity in your submissions.

Online Training/Resources:

  • - free online training 

  • - excellent resource for proposal-writing tips/examples of award-winning proposals

Session 4: The Essentials of Grants Management

The final session addressed the often-overlooked area of grants management. Winning a grant is just the beginning—successful nonprofit organizations must also maintain positive relationships with funders and comply with reporting requirements. This session broke down the key aspects of managing grants effectively, from reporting deadlines to relationship-building.

Key takeaways included:

  • Managing the reporting requirements imposed by funders

  • Building long-term relationships with grantmakers

  • Ensuring open, honest communication with funders to foster trust

Further Reading:

Have questions or need grant support? Contact us today at


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