Purpose Possible’s Strategic Philanthropy work focuses on partnering with resource-holders like corporate funders and private foundations to imagine and implement trust-based practices in their work.

We are invested in the frameworks of Just Transition, Community Centric Fundraising, Trust-Based Philanthropy, Popular Education, and other methodologies that demonstrate our values and vision for funders’ roles in solidarity and liberation.


Although our services are retained by a single client, we always prioritize the needs of the wider community in our work. What does it look like for the traditional power-holding role of the donor to transition to power-sharing with the individuals they intend to benefit? What if individuals had a voice in where and how resources are deployed in their communities? How can we shift from transactional relationships to genuine partnerships?


We believe that every individual has their own lived experiences and knowledge and that it’s important to listen deeply to learn from those around us. Although Purpose Possible is positioned as a consulting agency, we recognize that we don’t always have the answer at first and it is our responsibility to approach every engagement as a learning and building opportunity hand in hand with our clients.


Our team brings with us our own lived experience in fundraising and nonprofit management as recovering Development Directors and Executive Directors. Our exposure to working within traditional fundraising methods and the realities of micro to large-scale 501c3 organizations allows us to operate with empathy and grace.


We recognize that modern philanthropy is rooted in capitalistic and paternalistic values. While we do assume our clients come to this work with the best of intentions, we acknowledge the very nature of our industry is based on extractive wealth building and hoarding. We believe that there is an opportunity for funders to participate in a Just Transition in returning wealth to communities damaged by past practices.

Sustainable Commitment

Structural change doesn’t happen overnight and we view our work as progress toward deep, long-term improvement. We encourage resource holders to make multi-year, unrestricted gifts and explore other additional avenues of support to truly sustain organizations. We want to meet our clients where they are, encouraging steps toward a community-centered approach, even if those first steps are small.