A calendar of grants, resources, and funding opportunities listed by application or inquiry due date and tagged in various categories. For more information about grant, foundation, and other resources contact Laura Hennighausen at lhennighausen@purposepossible.com.

Filtering by: “Transportation”


Department of Transportation

The Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program provides grants to assist economically disadvantaged or underserved communities for planning and construction activities. The Program supports planning, capital construction, and regional partnership activities that aim to restore community connectivity through the removal, retrofit, mitigation, or replacement of highways, roadways, or other infrastructure facilities that create barriers to mobility, access, or economic development.

The goals of the Program include prioritizing disadvantaged communities; aiming to improve access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, and recreation; fostering equitable development and restoration; and reconnecting communities by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including to mobility, access, or economic development.

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to Oct 20

PeopleForBikes: Industry Community Grant Program

Grants Improve Bicycling Infrastructure in U.S. Communities

Application deadline: October 20, 2023, for letters of interest

Grant amount: $5,000 to $10,000

PeopleForBikes’ Industry Community Grant Program provides funding for projects that make bicycling better in communities across the U.S. Support is provided for bicycle infrastructure projects and targeted initiatives that make it easier and safer for people of all ages and abilities to bike.

The focus is on funding infrastructure projects that improve a community’s City Ratings score by building connections in a low-stress bikeway network or improving access to recreational amenities.

Priority is given to projects in which funding closes a financial gap or leverages additional funds, projects that address historical inequities in low-income communities and communities of color, and projects that are part of a larger strategy to build a network of bikeways and bike facilities that enable people of all ages and abilities to access bicycling as transportation or recreation.

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AARP Community Challenge

The AARP Community Challenge provides small grants to fund quick-action projects that can help communities throughout the U.S. become more livable for people of all ages—especially those age 50 and older. In 2023, the AARP Community Challenge is accepting applications across three different grant opportunities: Flagship Grants focus on improving public places, transportation, housing, diversity/equity and inclusion, digital connections, community resilience, civic engagement, and community health and economic empowerment. Capacity-Building Microgrants, new in 2023, fund projects that improve walkability and community gardens. Demonstration Grants, also new in 2023, fund projects that build capacity towards transportation systems change and build awareness of new housing options through accessory dwelling unit design competitions. Nonprofit organizations and government entities are eligible to apply. Other organizations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Click here for more.

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LCI & CDAP Call for Projects

Created as a way to reduce vehicle miles traveled and improve air quality, the ARC's Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) is a grant program that incentivizes local jurisdictions to re-envision their communities as vibrant, walkable places that offer increased mobility options, encourage healthy lifestyles and provide improved access to jobs and services.

Program Goals

  • Encourage a diversity of housing, employment, commercial, shopping and recreation land uses at the transit station, local and regional center level accessible by people of all ages, abilities, and income levels,

  • Provide access to a range of travel modes including transit, roadways, walking and biking and increase roadway connectivity to provide optimal access to all uses within the study area,

  • Foster public-private partnerships and sustained community support through an outreach process that promotes the involvement of all stakeholders, including those historically underserved or underrepresented,

  • Encourage mixed-income residential neighborhoods, employment, shopping, and recreation options.

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