A calendar of grants, resources, and funding opportunities listed by application or inquiry due date and tagged in various categories. For more information about grant, foundation, and other resources contact Laura Hennighausen at lhennighausen@purposepossible.com.

Filtering by: “Women”

to May 3

Ribbons of Hope—Invest in Women

Ribbons of Hope—Invest in Women is dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of women and children. Each year Ribbons of Hope awards one $100,000 grant to a nonprofit organization in Georgia that promotes education, health, economic independence, social well-being, or human rights for women or their children. The grant may be used for special projects or capital improvements that can be sustained by the organization after the grant allocation. Applying organizations must have been in operation for at least three years with a consistent operating budget of $500,000 or more annually.

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Ms. Foundation for Women: Birth Justice Initiative

Geographic scope: U.S. South, Midwest, Southwest, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories

Grant amount: $50,000 to $100,000, distributed over two years

The Ms. Foundation for Women’s Birth Justice Initiative aims to advance equitable birth outcomes and experiences, strengthen grassroots BIPOC-led birth justice organizations, and expand the frame of birth justice to support intersectional movements and strategies that recognize the full spectrum of experiences and identities in birthing, parenting, and family building.

Through the current call for proposals, the Initiative will provide two-year grants to birth justice organizations led by and for Black, Indigenous, and other women of color. Support will be provided for organizations that are serving the U.S. South, Midwest, Southwest, Alaska, Hawaii, or U.S. territories and working for change at a local or state level. Organizations must be implementing birth justice strategies that are rooted in movement building and organizing, and connected to the broader reproductive justice movement.

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