A calendar of grants, resources, and funding opportunities listed by application or inquiry due date and tagged in various categories. For more information about grant, foundation, and other resources contact Laura Hennighausen at lhennighausen@purposepossible.com.

Filtering by: “Rural”


Rural Health Network Development Program

Department of Health and Human Services

The Rural Health Network Development Program supports integrated healthcare networks that collaborate to achieve efficiencies; expand access to, coordinate, and improve the quality of basic healthcare services and associated health outcomes; and strengthen the rural healthcare system as a whole. Program areas include improving access by addressing gaps in care, workforce shortages, and better workflows; expanding capacity and services by creating effective systems through the development of knowledge, skills, structures, and leadership models; enhancing outcomes by expanding or strengthening the network's services, activities, or interventions; and increasing sustainability through value-based care and population health management. The application deadline is November 22, 2022.

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