A calendar of grants, resources, and funding opportunities listed by application or inquiry due date and tagged in various categories. For more information about grant, foundation, and other resources contact Laura Hennighausen at lhennighausen@purposepossible.com.

Filtering by: “Performance”

to May 6

Doris Duke Foundation

The Performing Arts Technologies Lab is both a grant and a support system designed to expand access to and nurture new methods for creating, sharing and experiencing the performing arts. The Doris Duke Foundation (DDF) is looking for innovative ideas in jazz, contemporary dance and theater that make use of new digital tools and production methods.

Selected projects will proceed through a series of development phases, beginning with the articulation of a basic concept and culminating, for some proposals, in a fully funded implementation. Support will combine financial resources with technical assistance. Participants will be expected to participate in a series of virtual and in-person meetings that will be programmed to facilitate shared learning and exchange.

For more information and before submitting an application, please closely review the request for applications document.

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Amphion Foundation

Geographic scope: U.S. and internationally

Grant amount: Generally $1,000 to $7,500

The Amphion Foundation aims to encourage the performance of contemporary concert music, particularly by American composers, through support to performing, presenting, and music service organizations.

The fall application cycle is open to presenters and music service organizations, including music service/advocacy organizations, professional development/training programs, artist residency programs, libraries and archives, radio and TV, presenters, and festivals. (The Foundation’s spring grant cycle supports performing organizations.)

General operating support is available for organizations with a history of substantial commitment to contemporary American concert music and plans to continue that commitment, while project support is available for exceptionally important activities relating to contemporary concert music that are out of the scope of an organization’s regular programming. Applicants must have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status (or the foreign equivalent) or have a fiscal sponsorship, and have two or more years of performance or program history as an organization.

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